Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Frankencamera!!! They've created a monster!!!

NPF has it bad for the RED camera, but NPR recently released a story on a new camera that will change the face of digital photography. A few computer scientists from Standford University discovered a way to photograph images no matter the lighting and exposure...forget all the light meters and strobes... you can catch the real lights and contrasts...forget your brights being blown out or your darks being black holes, the camera's sensors pick up dual images of each contrast and combines them into one lovely lit photo. So forget playing with levels and saturation in post... Professor Marc Levoy projects, "Our goal is not to make a product. Our goal is to try and push traditional camera makers to incorporate more of these flexible ways of producing images in their cameras." It will take a few more years to develop a solid system, but the camera allows you to create as many applications into the system just like an i-phone and photoshop all in one. click the photo for the report from NPR or watch the video below from Standford University.

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