Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I just can't put my finger on it...well Da Vinici did!!

Apparently a painting purchased by Canadian Art collector, Peter Silverman, on behalf of a Swiss friend, purchased the beauty of "Profile of the Bella Principessa", from New York gallerist Kate Ganz at $19,000 back in 2007, for which she had also purchased at auction for around the same price. Unfortunately, what they thought was just a 19th century painting, neither party 't realize was that there was a significant fingerprint that has now made the painting possibly worth $150 million dollars. As forensic art experts investigated this small fingerprint, which could be Leonard's index or middle finger, was matched as the same fingerprint on another master painting. Well, sure enough, through many x-rays and scans and lab visits, let the truth be told, she's a lovely muse of Mr. Da Vinci.

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